The Florida Mosquito Control Association
2024 First Annual Meeting Student Poster Competition

Orlando, FL

November 3-7, 2024

Scientific events such as our Annual Meetings are a great place to learn about cutting-edge research and the scientific poster is, of course, one medium researcher’s use to quickly share results among scientific, technical, and industrial communities. Presenting a poster at the FMCA Annual Meetings is a great way to give your colleagues an opportunity to interact with your research.

The objective of the student poster competition is to recognize students conducting vector control research.

This year (2024 meeting) will be our first annual student poster competition. While anyone can present a poster during the poster session, only undergraduate and graduate students (and those up 12 months post-graduation) will be eligible to compete within the student poster competition. Monetary prizes will be awarded to first, second, and third place winners.

Rules and Guidelines

  • Participation in the student poster competition is not a requirement of presenting a poster at the annual meeting, and all are welcome to present a poster. However, only graduate and undergraduate students (and those up to 12 months post-graduation) at accredited are eligible to compete for monetary prizes.
  • Eligible student poster competition participants must be registered FMCA annual meeting attendees.
  • Posters must be hung in place by 5 pm Monday, November 4th, and removed between 12 pm and 5 pm on Thursday, November 7th.
  • Each poster must be contained within the 24”x 36” (61cm x 91cm) space provided. If your poster exceeds the size limits, FMCA reserves the right to remove or fold your poster to accommodate space for others.
  • Each poster will be judged by at least 2 judges on: the abstract, poster appearance, key poster elements (i.e., inclusion of required sections; appropriate use of tables and figures), and research content (clear goals, benefits to mosquito control and the scientific community, level of impact, etc.). Posters should include the following sections: Abstract; Introduction or Background; Objectives; Methods and Materials; Results; Discussion and/or Conclusions; and References.
  • The Student Poster Competition Evaluation Form is provided on the next page. Study the criteria on this form carefully, in particular the required sections, and cross-check that you have included all the elements that will be judged. Any questions please contact [email protected].
  • The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners of the Student Poster Competition will receive $1000, $500, and $250, respectively.

Winners will be announced and prizes distributed at the 2024 FMCA Annual Meeting Banquet.

2024 FMCA Poster Competition: Evaluation Form

Write the point value that best represents each criterion in the space provided (write-in decimals are also acceptable), Total points: 30

Criteria/Points Very Poor (1.0) Poor (2.0) Average (3.0) Good (4.0) Very Good (5.0) Your Points
Abstract Score Abstract reads like an introduction; no take home message (Score 0 if Abstract missing) Abstract summarizes entire study clearly and succinctly; prominent take-home message
Poster Appearance Difficult to read (layout, size, font size); unprofessional design Easily readable (layout, size, font size); poster is neat and professional
Poster Elements Lacks text and graphics (figures, tables, etc.); lacks full complement of required sections Makes use of text, graphics (figures, tables). Required sections & headings present, including: Abstract, Introduction/ background, Objectives, Methods/ materials, Results, Discussion/ conclusion, References
Research Overall Research project has no benefits or potential; no future research is identified Research project had benefits (or has potential); further aspects of research identified
Research Content (A) Unclear and confusing project goals, methods, results, and outcome (or anticipated outcome) Project goals, methods, results, and outcome (or anticipated outcome) are clear and understandable
Research Content (B) Project has low impact, lacks creativity, technical skills not required Innovative research, opens new area of study, multiple disciplines impacted, high degree of relevance to vector control